Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 1st November 2010 at theVillages Hall Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Cllr Tucker (vice chairman), Cllr Argyle, Cllr Day, Cllr Mills, Cllr Rimell, Cllr Hodgkins
and Mrs M English (Clerk).


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Beever, Cllr Cheetham and Cllr Baldwin

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability

3. To review the council’s financial regulations and risk assessment
The risk assessments were presented to the PC and adopted.

4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on October 5th 2010
The minutes were signed by the vice chairman as a true record of proceedings. It was decided the minutes would be put on the notice board (2 weeks after the meeting) in draft form.


5. To consider the request for the PC to be involved /finance assistance for the Parish Magazine
This was no longer going ahead. It was mentioned that the PC had in the past paid for printing equipment. Members asked the clerk to find out who the money was paid to and does the PC have a right to the equipment? Action Clerk

6. To consider a request from the Throckmorton Chapel to make a grant/donation
A request was received to make a donation towards the running costs of electricity to run the organ and odd light in the Capillary. The PC raised the question as to why they have not gone along the route of mains electricity or a generator. The clerk to write to them suggesting they get a quote to have mains electricity as well as ask if they could not use electricity from the new tenants. Action Clerk

7. To consider cutting the hedge surrounding the Villages Hall
A request from Mr R Wood to cut the surround hedge to the village hall had been discussed and it was mentioned a grant had been paid in April of this year already. A quote is to be required to do the hedge in the spring. Action Clerk

8. To consider application for Rural Rate Relief for the Dolphin Inn
It was agreed that the PC would support the Dolphin Inn Rural Rate Relief and pay £111.60. Action Clerk

9. To appoint a volunteer to attend the Remembrance Day Service in the absence of the Chairman
The Clerk agreed to do this. Action Clerk


10. Finance

9.1 To note any receipts and approve invoices for payment.
Receipts - £1656.61 had been received from Wychavon DC to cover the costs of the Stanton Fields Flooding Scheme.

Invoices to pay

9.2 To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for October 2010
The bank reconciliation for October showed that, in the current account, a total of £2453.18 had been banked and cheques had been written for £1308.54. Cheques not presented to the value of £424.68, leaving a total at the end of October of £13541.20. The savings account had accrued £21.43 in interest, which brought its total to £17726.52.

9.3 To approve claims for expenses/overtime.

10. To consider the next stages in the purchase of the Shop – including completion of finances
It was noted that the contract is in the process of being drawn up by our Solicitors, a draft copy to be ready by Monday 15th November for Mr Dorrance to pass onto the Post office. The loan needs to be applied for by the Clerk. It was agreed that the Village needed a fully operational Post office therefore Mr Dorrance had agreed to wait until he had been approved by the Post Office before he moved into the area. Mr Paul Morris has viewed the premises and will start work as soon as the present tenants have moved out. The possibility of a grant for insulation was mentioned, the Clerk to look into this. Evidence of hand over, eg, photo journal should be drawn up prior to Mr Dorrance taking possession. Action Clerk

11. Planning

11.1 Council’s response to planning applications between meetings and reports on decision
Marshalls Transport applied for consent to store hazardous substances, Cllr Beever reported that they have had this licence for many years already.

11.2 Current planning applications

C/10/02404/CM – Additional flare at the Landfill Site
T his was approved by the PC.

Removal of condition 2 of planning permission W/87/01720 which stipulates that permission shall ensure for benefit of the applicant only. Cllr Mills stepped out of the meeting while the PC discussed this, the PC had no objections.

12. Play Areas : To consider any matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
New seat for swing to be ordered, this was deferred to the December meeting. Cllr Baldwin

13. Footpaths and Nature Reserve
Gordon Kingston has met the Worcestershire County Council Access Officer with regard to Whitsun Brook and looked at the issue of access to the site. The WCCAO is in touch with the landowners and will be letting Mr Kingston know ASAP when the works are due to start.
Footpaths in Moat Farm have been reported as dangerous. Gordon Kingston will continue to monitor the foot paths and report any significant problems.
Cllr Hodgkins and his team have been doing significant work in the Nature Reserve to make it an enjoyable place to visit, he was thanked by the PC for this.
It was agreed that the Village Orchard would be housed in the far end of the Nature Reserve, what would the legal implications be and could we receive a grant for this. Some trees would need to be removed and the recommendation would be required from Mr Harry Green if this is to happen. Clerk to find out the legal implications. Action Clerk
The Nature Reserve Risk Assessment was adopted with amendments made. Signs to be ordered for Fire and Draught Cllr Hodgkiins

14. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs
The Parish Council looked over the list of jobs the Lengthsman had completed in November and wish to make it know to Mr Winter that they are extremely happy to have him back working and wish him all the best.

15. To consider any newsletter/website issues
The PC thanked Mrs Morris for the wonderful news letter she produced and sent out. It was decided that Mrs Morris would continue producing the Newsletters for a cost of £50

16. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues: Housing/ Community First Responder Scheme/ Flooding-Drainage / Telephone box/ PACT news / Turbines

16.1 To consider the development of the Throckmorton Phone Kiosk
The PC agreed not to adopt the Throckmorton Phone Kiosk

16.2 To consider the development of the Bishampton Phone Kiosk.
Mrs C Morris offered to design a map of the village, waiting on a quotation

16.3 Flooding outside the Dolphin
After extensive works to the drains in Stanton fields financed by a council grant, the flooding problem between the shop and the Dolphin has hopefully now been rectified

16.4 Broad Lane Flooding
Work due to take place soon and be finished by end of March 2011. There is an open session on November 3rd to discuss this. Villagers are urged to attend as they have contributed to 3% of the cost.

It was mentioned that the Parish Council supported the objection with five other PC against the construction of the Wind Turbines. All six Parish Councils would be represented legally at the Wychavon planning meeting.

17. CALC/ training matters
Nothing to report

18. Reports & Correspondence
County and district councillor report.

Cllr L Tucker mentioned the Joint Core Strategy

18.2 To receive reports from councillors, items for future agendas and items of correspondence
Email from Ann Jesson regarding Neighbour Watch – To be referred to Cllr Cheetham

19. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meetings were confirmed for December 6th at Throckmorton Village Hall and January 3rd at Bishampton Village HallThe meeting closed at 9.40pm

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Chairman Date