Parish Clean Up

Dog Bins

Road Repairs

New Councillor

Parish Council Consultation

Parish Clean Up
Firstly, many thanks to all those who volunteered and helped with the 'Village Litter Pick' through the two villages over the weekend of 10th/1 1th September. A healthy quantity of rubbish bags were collected and we hope to receive our £500 'reward' from Wychavon shortly.

Dog Bins
The dog bins are still awaited, although in the meantime the waste can be put in with the normal rubbish.

Road Repairs
You will have noticed there have been repairs to road surfaces in the local area, al­though we continue to request that Hill Furze Road is looked at and resurfaced, and consideration given to the pavements in Bishampton.

New Councillor
The Council co-opted a new councillor at the last meeting and we would like to welcome Mr Don Cheetham onto the Parish Council.

Parish Council Consultation
Should parishioners have any issues they wish to raise for future discussion, please contact either the Clerk, Anne Boocock, on 01386 462551 or the Chairman, Eric Carter, on 01386 462847. A new list of councillors will be posted on the notice boards to assist.

Anne Boocock Clerk to the Council