Positions of Clerk Chairman & Vice-chairman

Bishampton/Throckmorton Parish Path Warden

Bishampton Annual Meeting

Throckmorton Annual Meeting

Dog Fouling in Bishampton

Membership of Bishampton & Throckmorton Parish Council

Positions of Clerk Chairman & Vice-chairman
Since no appointment was made at the recent interviews for Clerk to the Parish Council, Councillor Carter has agreed to operate as an unsalaried “Acting Clerk” and was appointed to that role with effect from 1st March 2006. Councillor Carter resigned as Chairman to the Parish Council with effect from 13th March 2006.
Councillor Gilligan was elected as Chairman until the AGM due to be held in May. Councillor Argyle was elected as Vice-Chairman for a similar period.

Bishampton/Throckmorton Parish Path Warden
For more years than anyone, including Peter, would care to remember Peter Averis has served as the Bishampton/Throckmorton Parish Path Warden, although I think the title has progressed through several versions. He has carried out this work most effectively and it is largely due to his efforts that we have the network of open paths around the villages that exists today.
Sadly, but understandably Peter has decide it is time to “hang up my boots” and we would like to thank him very much for his efforts and trust that he will continue to enjoy the countryside without the responsibilities of Path Warden.
This does of course leave the position vacant and the Parish Council would like to hear from anyone who is prepared to take up this active and interesting role. The Parish Council believes it is important that we fill this position because it is a useful liaison between Worcestershire County Council Countryside Service, landowners and the Parish Council. I am sure Peter will provide guidance to any interested parties.

Bishampton Annual Meeting
It is planned to hold the annual meeting for Bishampton Parish on Monday 15th May commencing at 8.00pm in the Villages Hall.

Throckmorton Annual Meeting
It is planned to hold the annual meeting for Throckmorton (including Tilesford) Parish on Tuesday 16th May commencing at 8.00pm. The venue has yet to be confirmed but will probably be the chapelry since the Parish Room will be temporally out of commission.

Dog Fouling in Bishampton
Once again, almost as regular as spring, the spectre of dog fouling raises itself on our streets and pathways. The Parish Council has gone to some expense to provide dog bins and there is an ample supply of disposal bags - and I can’t use them for the kids sandwiches any more because they have learnt to read!
However, on a more serious note, people are becoming quite annoyed over this issue and they know who the offenders are. It is only a matter of time before someone with a video camera reports an incident to Wychavon and a dog owner faces the prospect of a very hefty fine – up to £1000. Also, when a disposal bag is used please deposit it in the appropriate bin; shoving it under the hedge in a bag is not a lot of use! Bins are located at the main entrances and in the centre of the village.
It is also appropriate to mention that this problem is not confined to paved surfaces. Farmers also have a right to expect dog owners to clear up after their pets because of risks to their livestock. Walkers and children using pathways such as the Jubilee Walk have a right not to come home with their shoes covered in the problem.
Should anyone wish to report incidents they should contact Environmental Services at Wychavon District Council 01386 265015 or, in the event of a significant mess which needs clearing, they should report it to Client Services at Wychavon District Council 01386 565018.