Young People

The Issues


The Issues

Around 30% of the households that responded to the Parish Plan survey include one or more young people (less than 18 years of age).

Photo 8: Villages Hall Amenity Area at Bishampton

There were a number of concerns expressed in the Hot Topic Questionnaire about the facilities and provisions for the young people of the parish:-

Photo 9: Play Equipment at Bishampton

The strong support evidenced in the survey for the development of the play areas and of a sports field amply confirms these views. Only 6% of Bishampton households would oppose such developments, and none in Throckmorton.

Of households including children or young people, the vast majority used the play areas (92%). Other village activities were less frequently used, Amateur Dramatics, with 18% being the second most popular.

It is questionable, though, whether frequency of use alone should be used to judge the need for provisions for this group. Richness of opportunity is a desirable goal in itself, for the nurturing and development of our young.

Families with children or young people were asked to indicate the likelihood of them using a range of amenities. Youth clubs, sports groups and the scouts or guides all attract strong interest. There was less interest for amateur dramatics, and bell ringing. However, Bishampton has a thriving and highly successful amateur dramatics company, the Bishampton Barnstormers, so that provision and promotion of drama activities for young people could be facilitated occasionally without having to start from scratch. A similar situation might be possible for bell ringing.

There was a small interest in a Sunday school: this again is an activity that is likely to be provided irrespective of low numbers.


The improvement and maintenance of the play areas;

Action: Bishampton – the Villages Hall Committee, Parish Council, young people; Throckmorton – Parish Council, young people, landowners

(Since the start of the Parish Plan, the Parish Council established a steering group together with members of the Villages Hall Management Committee to improve the amenity area at the Villages Hall in Bishampton and make it more attractive to older children. The steering group has consulted with parishioners, produced a plan for installing new equipment and obtained significant grants towards the project. The Parish Council has obtained planning approval from Wychavon District Council and work was completed in March 2006.)

The identification of a suitable site and development of a larger playing field.

Action: The Parish Council, young people. (It is hoped that the improved amenity area at the Villages Hall described above will make better provision for ball games).