Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 11th July 2005 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle (District Councillor), Ms Toni Gilligan (Vice Chairman), Mr E Chadwickl, Mrs B Lammas, Mr C Tucker (from 8.20pm), Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).

One member of the public, Mr John Morrison, also attended the meeting as an observer.

Rupert Segar also attended and prior to the meeting commencing, thanks were given to him for his help and work as a Parish Councillor and also with PACT. A presentation of a pen was made to Mr Segar. Mr Segar gave his thanks, but did not stay for the rest of the meeting.

The meeting then went into session.

05.07.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Beever, who was on holiday.

05.07.02 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

05.07.03 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th June 2005
Under item Planning Application No. W/05/00837/PP, Cllr Argyle requested that his name be crossed out as he had not been present for that part of the meeting, and had a declaration of interest. Following the amendment, the minutes of 6th June were approved and signed as a true record.

05.07.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The cash reconciliation sheet was passed to councillors and the Clerk confirmed that the balance in the current account was £10,825.57 and in the deposit account was £14,179.51. Clerk to forward an electronic copy of the cash reconciliation sheet to the Chairman for the website. Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:-

It was also agreed to move the £7000 from the current account to the deposit account. AEB

05.07.05 Planning Applications 407625/407/626 – Mercia Waste Management – Hill and Moor Landfill Site, Throckmorton
To extend operating hours of the landfill site; extension to the upper platform of the household waste site. It was decided that the road from the bypass was a requirement before consideration was given to the application for the extension to the hours. The Parish Council would push for the road to be built. W/05/01011/PN – Mr D Humphreys – Land adjacent Rose Bungalow, Main Street, Bishampton
Slight repositioning of dwelling and increase to 57 cubic metres. The council had previously objected to this application regarding the size and the request to make it bigger still, despite the reduction in roof level, would seem to warrant the council objecting once more. The Planning Committee had objected to this application due to the increase in the size of the property. W/05/012223/LB and W/05/01028/PP – Mr and Mrs M Hartshorne Burfield House, Main Street, Bishampton
Addition of a rear lobby/single storey rear porch. The council had responded to the planning department to advise that they had no objection to this application. W/05/01038/PN – Hark Developments Limited – The Paddocks, Broad Lane, Bishampton
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 new dwellings and garages. The Parish Council had objected to the application and to the demolition of the existing building and had referred to the previous application W/04/01395/PN.

Cllr Argyle had received a memo from Gill Collin of the Planning Department regarding buildings in rural areas – this item to be included on the next agenda. The Planning Committee would respond to this application in the light of this memo. W/05/01048/PP – Mr and Mrs P Plant – Dean Lodge Farm, Seaford Lane, Naunton Beauchamp
Proposed erection of Oak framed garden room. The council had already responded to the planning department to advise that this extension should be repositioned to the rear of the property, which would be less obtrusive.

05.07.06 Parish Plan
The draft structure had been prepared by Cllr Gilligan and was presented at the meeting. The intention was to prepare a full draft over the next few days. Results were presented to the councillors with certain aspects requiring further action at this time.

The state of the roads was felt to be unacceptable and continued pressure was to be made to Wychavon and Worcester County Council – each defect should be reported as soon as possible. The pavements were generally considered to be okay. EC/AEB

The new Police Constable should be invited to the next Parish Council meeting. The Hill and Moor Liaison Group should include Eric Carter as a representative. The District Council should be contacted regarding storm drainage in Broad Lane. EC/AEB

05.07.07 Dog Fouling/Dog Bins
This was still a problem and the next bins were not yet in place. The Clerk would contact the Head of Client Services to chase up the present position.

05.07.08 War Memorial – Cleaning / Holly Tree – removal
The war memorial itself is supposed to look like that, although the area around it requires some work. The Gardening Club would be approached to put in some plant around the memorial, although Cllr Argyle and Cllr Carter would clear the site. The lights on the holly tree should be removed and repaired/replaced and the tree inspected to decide what action to take. EC/MA

05.07.09 New Directional Signs for the Village Hall/Vale Golf Club
It was suggested that a new brown sign be obtained for both the Villages Hall and the Golf Club as currently there is no sign from the centre of the village. Cllr Carter to consult with David Baldwin (Chairman of the Village Hall Committee) and the Vale Golf Club. EC

05.07.10 New Footpath Fingerpost
The footpath post is missing from the end of Babylon Lane, although this will not be replaced. Clerk to write to Mrs Jesson to advise the action being taken – the Neighbourhood Watch sign cannot go up just there.

05.07.11 Shredding facility 13th July / Rubbish Skip in the Village
The Clerk advised that the shredder man would be collecting the broken branch at the end of Babylon Lane. There would be no rubbish skip in the village as there had been in previous years (items now collected from householder’s premises on a points system). Clerk to write to Mrs Marchant to advise accordingly. AEB

05.07.12 Throckmorton Airfield – Noise
Complaints had been received from parishioners regarding the level of noise e.g. squealing wheels on the airfield. There had been a meeting between Wychavon District Council and the Police in early July, but details of the meeting were unknown. Geoff Carpenter of Environmental Health should be contacted regarding the council’s concern over the level of noise, which had increased in the last two years. EC/AEB

05.07.13 Co-option of another Councillor
Clerk to advertise the vacancy by way of an official notice on the boards. Co-option can take place without an election and a notice would be put into the parish magazine. AEB

05.07.14 Planning Committee – meeting to be considered for July/August
As the Parish Council would not now meet until September it was considered to hold a meeting in mid-August if it was deemed necessary. The Clerk to advise councillors of planning applications received during the next few weeks, and the Clerk to advise if a meeting is required. AEB

05.07.15 Councillors’ Roles and Responsibilities
Cllr Carter agreed to take on Mr Segar’s roles of highways, public relations and the Hill and Moor Liaison Group. The Clerk would write to the bank to remove Cllr Segar from the list of signatories and the Clerk would also prepare a new list of Members of the Council for the notice boards. AEB

05.07.16 Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda

Footpath grant – Jubilee and Badger’s Walk.

The precept will need to be increased next year to include the cutting of these walks, rather than relying on a possible grant from county. The walks were however due to be cut in August by Limebridge Rural Services Limited.

Footpath 14 could be walked, with care, although Cllr Chadwick would speak to Peter Averis regarding clearance. The crops had been defoliated and some paths cleared, although oil seed rape was difficult to clear.

Cllr Lammas asked about the possible visit from Wychavon Planning Department – they had not come out to visit Broad Lane yet.

Cllr Charles Tucker advised that Cllr Liz Tucker had asked for the question of the Wyre Piddle by-pass to be included in the local plan.

With regard to the Parish Room, £19,500 was due to come from the Vale Landscape Heritage Trust – documents were due to be signed in the next week. Planning permission had been received, with the car park allowed in the field. A grant from DEFRA is still possible: Wendy Jones had said that one third would be in this year’s budget, and the remaining two thirds would be in next year’s budget. The matched funding is not as high as it should be. The project cannot start until the land is in the ownership of the Throckmorton Charity.

05.07.17 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Monday 5th September 2005.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 10.15pm.

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Chairman Date