Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 4th September 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D.Cheetham (Chairman), Mrs B.Lammas, Mr M.Argyle, Mr E Chadwick, Mr C Tucker, Mrs T Gilligan, Mr E Carter and Mrs C.Morris (Clerk).

The council went into open session before the meeting, details of which are below.

The meeting opened at 8.18pm

06.09.01 Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Beever who was unable to attend due to work commitments.

06.09.02 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

06.09.03 To welcome the newly appointed Clerk to the Council Mrs C.Morris.
Mrs Morris was welcomed to her appointment by the Chairman.

06.09.04 To affirm the conditions of employment for the clerk
The conditions of employment were approved and signed by the clerk and chairman.

06.09.05 To approve the minutes of the meeting 7th August 2006.
The minutes were approved and signed.

06.09.06 Finance To note receipts to the Parish Council
The following receipts were noted

The clerk had transferred £5,000 from current to deposit account as requested in minute To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for 24th July 2006.

The cash reconciliation indicated that the council holds £6,395 in the current account and £24,573 in the deposit account. Since the reconciliation, further interest of £36.80 had been added to the deposit account in August bringing the total cash assets of the Parish Council to £31,005.08. It was agreed that the clerk should transfer the next precept payment, due this month, into the deposit account as soon as possible. ACTION Clerk To approve outstanding invoices for payment To approve the acting Clerk’s expenses for August 2006
Expenses of £53.88 were approved. To receive a report on the internal audit of accounts
Cllr Lammas had inspected the accounts for this year and reported them to be in order. To approve the transfer of bank account access to Mrs C.Morris
This was approved and a letter of authority signed by Cllrs Cheetham, Argyle, Chadwick and Lammas. ACTION Clerk Plans for a standing order payment for the clerk’s salary were deferred.

06.09.07 Planning To note the response by the council to planning application

W/06/01402/PN Two storey extensions to the front and rear of the existing building forming 16 new bedrooms. Willow Bank House, Long Lane, Tilesford, WR10 2LA
The Parish Council objected to the proposal on the following grounds: To make comment on planning applications To receive reports on planning decisions.

06.09.08 To consider actions in respect of the outstanding councillor vacancy
An advertisement inviting parishioners for co-option would be placed on all notice boards with applicants being considered at the next meeting of the council. ACTION Cllr Carter/clerk.

06.09.09 To consider any action in respect of Worcestershire County Council’s failure to install direction signs to Vale Golf and the Villages Hall.
Cllr Carter pointed out the inability to get any satisfactory action from Worcestershire County Council over the last 6 months and the growing frustration of Vale Golf who had sent £200 towards the signs. It was agreed the chairman would telephone Sally Everest at the county council in an effort to discover the reason for the delay. ACTION Cllr Cheetham.

06.09.10 To consider any actions which the council might take to support the amenity of Bishampton stores.
Following a request at last month’s meeting, from shop owner Mr S Osborne, for views on how to make the shop more attractive to customers, the council first agreed to register support of the Sustainable Communities Bill, which aims to give parish councils and local people more say to protect their communities, and small shops in particular, from decline. ACTION Cllr Carter.
Members also agreed to write to Mr Osborne and offer to help print and circulate a letter (from him) around the villages, asking people specifically what they want from their village shop and also to investigate Business Link courses where Mr Osbourne may gain further inspiration. ACTION Clerk.

06.09.11 To approve a revised tender for the removal of equipment and clearance of the Junior Play Area at Bishampton Villages Hall.
Cllr Carter reported that following a site visit, a more detailed measurement of the area had been made. As it was evident the proposed equipment would not fit into the available space, a revised tender was approved for removal of the equipment, including the removal of half of the double hedge and level the ground in preparation for site works. Clerk to reissue tenders. ACTION Clerk.

06.09.12 To consider further any actions which the council might take to protect the rights of vulnerable adults within the parish communities
(See also agenda item 07.01 and open session comments) Cllr Gilligan was concerned to ensure that residents of the Willow Bank residential home and neighbouring bungalows in Tilesford were given ample chance to express their views as regards the perceived changes to the nature of the home and its environment. Cllr Gilligan offered to meet with the residents initially to gather views and investigate ways in which the council might be able to help. ACTION Cllr Gilligan.

06.09.13 To review the status of the council’s risk management schedule
The Inspection of hand tools has been completed and a risk analysis for footpath/conservation volunteers has been done. Cllr Carter to report on further progress at next meeting. Cllr Chadwick to pursue list of footpath/conservation volunteers. ACTION Cllrs Carter and Chadwick.


06.09.14 To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas.

Cllr Lammas left at 9.47pm

06.09.15 To consider any further items of correspondence.

06.09.16 To affirm the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Monday, October 2nd, at 7.30pm at the Villages Hall, Bishampton.

At the end of the meeting, a cheque was signed for £1000 for the Bishampton & Throckmorton Villages Hall as agreed in minute

The meeting closed at 9.52pm.

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council Mrs C.Morris

Notes on the Open Session preceding the Council Meeting

A delegation of eleven residents of Willow Bank and Tilesford Park attended the meeting to raise concerns about a planning application to extend Willow Bank Residential Home. They raised issues about the size of the building, the change in the nature of the premises and the state of the sewage system. As the parish council has already sent its comments to planners at Wychavon District Council, the residents were advised to write with their concerns to Wychavon and liaise with Wychavon representative Cllr Argyle. Councillors discussed related matters further under agenda items 7.1 and 12 during the meeting.

Mr and Mrs Morrison of Main Street, Bishampton, raised concerns about parking problems outside garages in Babylon Lane, Bishampton, with reference to an approved planning application for the conversion of two flats at The Old School in Main Street. Their comments were noted for discussion under the agenda item 7.3.