Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 6th November 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr Eric Carter, Mr M Argyle, Mr Edward Chadwick, Mr Jon Morrison, Mrs T Gilligan (from 7.37pm), Mr C Tucker (from 7.44pm) Mr E Beever (from 8.15pm) and Mrs C.Morris (Clerk).

The meeting opened at 7.34pm

06.11.01 To elect a Chairman of the Parish Council (further to minute 6.10.14)
It was confirmed that Cllr Cheetham had tendered his resignation to the clerk. He had however, agreed to stand for re-election in his absence so was nominated by Cllr Carter, seconded by Cllr Argyle and unanimously elected Chairman of the Parish Council. Clerk to organise Acceptance of Office forms. Action clerk

Cllr Carter agreed to stand in as acting chairman for the meeting, which was unanimously agreed.

06.11.02 To welcome Cllr Morrison.
Cllr Morrison was officially welcomed to his first council meeting.

06.11.03 Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Cheetham, who was abroad and from Cllr Lammas who was attending a funeral.

Cllr Gilligan arrived at 7.37pm

06.11.04 Declarations of interest
Cllr Carter declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 8 on the agenda (fishing lake) and Cllr Morrison declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 9 (parking in Babylon Lane).

06.11.05 To approve the minutes of the meeting 2nd October 2006.
The minutes were approved and signed.

06.11.06 Finance To note receipts to the Parish Council
The following receipts were noted To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for October 2006.
The cash reconciliation indicated that as of the day of the meeting, the council held £4,363.71 in the current account and £33,726.69 in the deposit account. This brings the total cash assets of the Parish Council to £38,090.40.

Cllr Tucker arrived at 7.44pm To approve outstanding invoices for payment To approve the Clerk’s expenses for September 2006
Expenses of £54.50 were approved.

06.11.07 Planning To note the parish planning committee’s response to planning applications To make comment on planning applications To receive reports on planning decisions by Wychavon District Council.

06.11.08 To hear news regarding enforcement matters at the fishing lake at the Vale Golf and Country Club (
After declaring his prejudicial interest, Cllr Carter left the room at 8.10pm.

Cllr Argyle acted as chairman in his absence.

The council noted that the latest planning application had been withdrawn (see above) and agreed that it would now contact the Wychavon planning enforcement officer again, requesting that enforcement against breaches of planning resumes as soon as possible. Action Clerk

Cllr Carter was called back to the meeting and resumed chairmanship at 8.15pm.

Cllr Beever arrived at 8.15pm

06.11.09 To hear an update on parking issues surrounding garages in Babylon Lane, Bishampton, reported by residents (06.10.08).

After declaring his prejudicial interest, Cllr Morrison left the room at 8.15pm.

The clerk confirmed the planning enforcement officer had been alerted to the situation and the council agreed there was nothing more to be done at present.

Cllr Morrison was called back into the meeting at 8.20pm.

06.11.10 Play Area:

To hear an update on tenders for the removal of equipment and clearance of the Junior Play Area at Bishampton Villages Hall (06.10.11).
Councillors heard a report from Cllr Carter about the play area committee meeting held on November 3rd. Two tenders for the clearance work had been received, however, as the adjacent land owner disputed the boundary line it was not going to be possible to clear one of the layers of hedging and set the bank back with a fence as originally intended.
The committee recommended asking the firm supplying the lower quote for a revised estimate and also contacting a local contractor. Despite approaches, the contractor has not been in touch, so the council agreed to ask Limebridge Services for a new quote, as well as a quote to cut back the overhanging trees which narrow the borders further.
The decision to discuss and accept from them a revised quote for the reduced level of work was delegated to Cllrs Argyle, Lammas and Carter.
The council did hear that despite the new borders, it did seem possible to fit in all the equipment the committee had hoped to install. Mrs Osborne will be contacting the suppliers to meet a representative on site, with the clerk and Mr Baldwin, if available.
Cllr Carter also reported that he would be undertaking the task of fund raising for the project. Initial enquiries indicated there was a strong possibility of a grant from Severn Waste through the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme but that this would require Entrust registration for which the Parish Council, as a local authority, would not be eligible. It therefore seemed likely that the project committee would need to be reformed as a committee independent of the Parish Council. Having obtained funding, the committee would then pass it on to the Parish Council to spend, with the approval of the donating bodies, so that VAT could be recovered. The Parish Council would be the established owner of the equipment which would be on their land and to which they would grant full public access.

To review play area safety checks.
Cllr Carter reported that he had been carrying out weekly checks of the play equipment but he was not always available. The council agreed that Cllrs Carter and Chadwick would arrange to carry out the checks between them.

06.11.11 To hear an update regarding the Willow Bank Residential Home planning application in Tilesford (06.10.12).
The council heard how Cllr Cheetham attended an initial Wychavon planning meeting to put forward the parish council point of view and District Councillor Argyle asked for a site visit. At their next meeting, however, the planners approved the plans for an extension.
The clerk reported that Wychavon sent notice of the second planning meeting to the wrong address which meant it arrived with the clerk after it had happened. Clerk to write to the relevant department. Action Clerk

06.11.12 To review the status of the council’s risk management schedule (06.10.13).
The matter was deferred.

06.11.13 Footpaths:

To hear from Cllr Chadwick about the Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Worcestershire (06.09.15).
Cllr Chadwick reported that the county council is surveying its 3,000 miles of rights of way to make a plan for their improvement and has invited comments from parishes and users. He will compile a report and send it in and add a note to the notice board inviting users to do the same. Action Cllr Chadwick/clerk

To consider a quotation for footpath improvements.
The council accepted a quote from Limebridge Rural Services for installing steps and gravel by the kissing gate at the rear of the public house and for resurfacing of the lower end of the Jubilee Way footpath. Cllr Chadwick reported that the county Countryside Services department would pay for the work, so the invoice will be sent directly there.

Brush Cutting Course.
Cllr Chadwick reported that the course he was scheduled to attend had been cancelled so he will try to find another to enable him to use the cutting equipment.

06.11.14 Litter Bins.

To consider litter bin capacity in the village and the replacement of missing/worn out bins (06.10.17).
There was no news of the missing bin from outside the Dolphin but the clerk had temporarily replaced it with the bin from Throckmorton which was out of action while the new parish room was being built. However, it was noted that this bin was almost rusted through, so it was agreed the clerk should research costs for new bins for both sites to consider at the next meeting. Action Clerk

To consider correspondence from the Villages Hall Trust regarding the funding of village hall waste
After requesting an extra bin, a member of the BATVHT was informed that extra waste collection would mean the village hall being charged for its disposal under trade waste rules. He contacted the parish council in the belief that the parish may be responsible for paying such a charge. Members confirmed they felt the council had no obligation to fund the disposal of village hall waste.

06.11.15 To consider a grant request from the Wychavon Citizens Advice Bureau.
The council agreed to a £150 grant for the CAB, which could be met within the current grants budget.

06.11.16 To consider the Throckmorton Airfield Draft Supplementary Planning Document and Sustainability Appraisal.
Noting the public exhibition in Bishampton on Thursday, November 16th, the council agreed to hold a meeting immediately afterwards, at 7.30pm, to consider this issue. They also agreed to invite members of neighbouring councils to join them for a 45-minute session at the beginning when they could share their views. Action Clerk

06.11.17 To consider an invitation to attend the Highway Maintenance Scrutiny meeting on November 23rd.
Cllr Carter agreed to try to attend the meeting or try to arrange for a representative to attend to put across the parish point of view on road repairs locally. Action Cllr Carter

06.11.18 To make an initial consideration of the parish council budget for 2007/8
It was agreed that the Clerk and Cllr Carter should draw up a draft budget plan for the December meeting. Action Clerk & Cllr Carter

06.11.19 To consider CALC correspondence, including susbscriptions and chairman’s access to its website.
The council noted the new CALC subscription system and agreed it had no objection to paying the increased cost for the service. Clerk will talk to Cllr Cheetham about chairman’s website access. Action Clerk

06.11.20 To consider undertaking the affordable housing survey suggested by Wychavon District Council’s Housing Development Officer Frances Evans at the last meeting.
The council agreed to circulate the survey. Clerk to contact Ms Evans to begin the process. Action Clerk

06.11.21 To consider handing over councillor details for the Police Beat Profile.
Councillors agreed that once they learned more about the scheme, they had no objections to their names being added to PC Pete Davey’s list of village contacts. Action Clerk

06.11.22 To consider storage/disposal of council files.
Cllr Carter reported that after he and Cllr Lammas sorted the parish files, old planning files had been disposed of because Wychavon stores its own copies. The council noted that the more valuable out of date parish council files would be passed to the County Records Office for storage. Action Clerk

06.11.23 To consider a parishioner’s request for an allotment.
The clerk reported she had been contacted by a villager who would like an allotment. The church keeps some allotment land in Bishampton, so the clerk was investigating whether the request could be accommodated in this manner. However, the council noted that there are laws which mean a parish council has a duty to provide an allotment where there is an unsatisfied demand. Clerk to report on progress. Action Clerk

06.11.24 Memorial for Canadian Airmen.
Cllr Gilligan raised the issue of progress on a planned memorial at Throckmorton Airfield. It was agreed that Throckmorton members involved in the scheme would attempt to move the project forward and report with details so the parish council could consider its involvement.

06.11.25 To receive reports from councillors and items for future agenda.

06.11.26 To consider further items of correspondence.

06.11.27 To affirm the date of the next meetings of the Parish Council.
The date of the next meetings were agreed as Thursday, November 16th 7.30pm (Throckmorton Airfield plans only) and Monday, December 4th, at 7.30pm at the Villages Hall, Bishampton.

The meeting closed at 10.29pm.

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council Mrs C.Morris